Friday, June 12, 2009

Our trip to the spray park

While Desha and the kids were here we went to the spray park. We got there and there were kids everywhere! I suppose that is to be expected on the first weekend school is out! Ethan was a bit overwhelmed by all the kids and eventually headed over to the playground. Ethan loves parks. Everytime we pass one in the car he points and says, "This". That is what he says when he wants something (it does not matter what it is). The other three kids loved the spray park. Eliana would put her face in front of the water and let it spray her directly in the face. She was absolutely hilarious.

Desha with Eliana and Simon
Eliana and Simon

1 comment:

Katy said...

Cute pics! Emma loves spray parks but we haven't been yet this year.