Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I got tagged

Katy tagged me so here I go!

8 Things I Am Looking Forward To:
1. Chassati's wedding in two weeks
2. Eliana's first birthday
3. Desha coming to visit in June
4. The birth of my new niece
5. Our trip to Colorado in December
6. Eliana learning to walk and talk
7. All the new things Ethan will learn in the coming months
8. a date with my husband

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. clean house better
2. run without wanting to die ;-)
3. be a good cook
4. take amazing pictures
5. be successful at my Pampered Chef business
6. make incredible scrapbooks
7. eat healthier
8. sing well

8 Shows I am Currently Watching:
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Biggest Loser
3. Desperate Housewives
4. Ugly Betty
5. The Office
6. Friday Night Lights
Can't think of any others

I tag:

Thursday, April 16, 2009


One of the things I missed the most during the years I did not live in Texas were the bluebonnets in the Spring. My sister-in-law, Lindsey, would always send me a bluebonnet in the mail while I was away. This year the bluebonnets are beautiful. I tried to get a picture of Ethan and Eliana together but it was not happening, nor could I get Ethan to look at the camera ;-). I got some great pictures nevertheless.


Ethan and Eliana love spending time with their cousins. We spent Easter weekend at Blake and Lindsey's house so Ethan got to play lots with them. I got some cute pictures of Russell and Syndey and wanted to share them. I love my nephew and niece and I am so glad my kids get to spend so much time with them.

Ethan and Sydney
Ethan and Russell


We spent Easter with my family in Waco. Eliana looked adorable in her little Easter dress and Ethan had fun playing with his cousins. Ethan hunted Easter eggs for the first time. He really did not care much about hunting eggs. He wanted to play instead.

Eliana wearing bunny ears
Easter egg hunt
Eliana in her Easter dress
Ethan putting eggs in his Easter basket
Eliana wanted the Easter eggs too
Ethan opening the first egg he found ;-)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ethan and his Papaw

We spent the majority of the past week in Waco for my grandmother's funeral and Easter. Ethan got to spend lots of time with his Papaw. Ethan absolutely idolizes his Papaw. One day while we were in Waco we had the chance to spend the afternoon at Papaw and Dadoo's land in Jonesboro. Ethan went non-stop from the time we got there to the time we left. He had a blast from throwing rocks, feeding the catfish, riding in the range rider (I think that is what it is called), and getting to help drive the backhoe with Papaw. He did not want to leave when it was time to go, but within minutes he was sound asleep covered in dirt and very happy. It was a perfect day for my little boy!
Ethan throwing rocks

Ethan and Papaw on the backhoe
Going for a ride
Ethan putting on Papaw's hat
Ethan wearing Papaw's hat

Pretty in Pink

Eliana and I attended Chass' bridal shower two Saturdays ago. Eliana had fun playing with three other little girls who were at the shower. One of them, Marlee, is the daughter of a good friend of mine from high school. It was neat to see our daughters together. The little girls were the hit of the shower, besides Chass of course!
Everything goes into the mouth these days
My sweet daughter looking so pretty!
Eliana and Marlee
Eliana and Emma (I love Eliana's face in this one)
Emma, Eliana, and Marlee

Catching up...

The past few weeks have been busy ones (more posts to follow) and I have not had a chance to post Eliana's weekly pics. Here they are for those of you who look forward to seeing how my baby girl grows from week to week ;-)! I can tell you one thing for certain. These weeks are going by so fast.
32 weeks old

31 weeks old

30 weeks old