3:00 a.m. - Wake up kids who wonder what in the heck is going on
3:30 a.m. - Hit the road to head to DFW airport --kid's are wide awake and think they are on an adventure. Our neighbor, Keron, graciously went with us so he could drive our car back to our apartment.
4:00 a.m. - Arrive at DFW. Unpack and wait and wait for the lines to open up. So glad my husband said we needed to arrive early. The line got REALLY long while we were waiting.
5 something- Go through security line..get up the front of the line and realize we need a "mock" ticket for Eliana. Josh went back to line while I waited. Not for long though. Went through line. We had to take the kids shoes off, coats off, get all the bags and car seat through...quite the experience. Ethan did not know why he had to take off his shoes and why they took his milk so he had a mini meltdown. I felt sorry for the people behind us.
Finally get through line and find some breakfast, which made the kids happy.
6:30 - Board plane and have to wait for about an hour for everyone to board. Eliana got a bit antsy at times but did super great overall.
7 something - Take off. Ethan stared out the window for the longest time while we were taking off. Super cute. He looked at books and toys all trip and hardly made a peep. Eliana, on the other hand, did not have her own seat and got somewhat fidgety. She went from Josh's lap to my lap and from toy to toy throughout the trip. However, she did GREAT considering she was only 15 months old.
9 - Arrive at Denver and are super exhausted but so glad we are there.
So cute! You give me hope. We are traveling to California in Sept for my cousin's wedding! Just the thought of traveling with 2 kids, 2 car seats, a load of necessities just freaks me out!
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