Christmas morning has a new excitement for me as a mother as I watch my kids open thier stockings and play with their new toys. The joy I see on my children's faces I think is better than anything I experienced as a child. True to form, Ethan spent all morning and I mean ALL morning playing with his remote control car. For the longest time he just sat in one spot and watched the car go around and around and around. Eliana drug her baby doll and stroller up and down stairs and had a blast.
Later in the day we all enjoyed Christmas Dinner together cooked by my mother-in-law. Of course, it was excellent and I hope to be half the cook Marilyn is one of these days! Ethan ate the typical 'man' food (turkey, mashed potatoes, and corn), while Eliana tried everything! It was discovered that Eliana loves black olives. She could not get enough of them. She must get that from her daddy!
As always, Christmas was over quickly and we were left with lots of pictures and memories. However, I guess Christmas really is never over if the true meaning of Christmas..the baby named Jesus who changed the world lived throughout the year!
Our attempt to get a pic of me with the kids ;-)
Santa's lost reindeer
Ethan playing with his new car (Classic morning hair!!)
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