Ethan &
Eliana got to spend lots of time with their cousins over Christmas. Ethan and Abigael (who is only 5 months younger than Ethan) played so well, until a cute little tornado (AKA
Eliana) would come behind and cause trouble ;-)!! Cousin Adaline was only 5 months old at the time, but we'll be running with the rest of the big kids next year! This extended time with family was such a blessing. We're not sure when the next opportunity like this will come along again so we treasured our time together. I got many cute moments on the are a few.
The aftermath of Ring around the Rosy ;-)
Eliana & Abigael

Abigael & Ethan pretending to sleep (my favorite pic of them)

Ethan & Abigael Watching a sing along video in their PJ's

Eliana, & Ethan playing with the musical snowmen (they loved these things)

Ethan and Abigael playing with the magnetic letters
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