Sunday, October 26, 2008

Seven weeks

Our sweet Eliana is already seven weeks old! She smiles all the time now, especially when hearing mommy or daddy's voice. It is just the cutest thing ever and is one of those things that just melts my heart. I am not sure if there is a better feeling then seeing your baby smile at you. It is amazing. I don't care what time of night/morning it may be or no matter how tired I am I can't help but smile back and thank God for the gift of my little girl. Seeing Eliana grows reminds me of Ethan as a baby and all those moments..his first smile, when he starting crawling, his first big boy laugh, his first word, etc. Gosh, that first year went by so fast and it makes me sad to think how fast it will be before I am planning Eliana's first birthday! Yet, it is exciting too because Ethan is at such a fun age and enjoys life and learning so much and I know I will have just as much joy watching Eliana at that stage.

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