Friday, December 18, 2009

Trip to Dallas Aquarium

November 27, 2009
The day after Thanksgiving we took a trip to the Dallas Aquarium. We have heard good things about it from a lot of people. We were not disappointed. The kids had a blast and we did too!

It is hard to get two toddlers to look at the camera at the same time!
Ethan and Eliana looking at some bird (I think!)

Sharks were swimming in the sides and top of the tunnel..very cool!
Ethan looking at a giant sea turtle

Our Thanksgiving

November 26th, 2009

I thought since it is almost Christmas that I would get some pictures from our Thanksgiving up! Isn't that just like me?!? We spent Thanksgiving at my Uncle Gary & Aunt Patty's house. Of course, there were lots of food and a Cowboys game (which they won thankfully!), and family (which is the most important thing!) The kids had fun playing in the leaves in Gary and Patty's huge backyard and Ethan had a blast playing with all of the matchbox cars they have collected since having two grandsons.

I had to include this pic taken that day
Ethan in mom's tennis shoes
Eliana eating her Thanksgiving dinner
Eliana playing in the leaves
Ethan and Papaw (Dad wasn't ready for this picture ;-)!)
Eliana wearing Cliff's ball cap with my cousin Amy in the background