Eliana's first taste of watermelon
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I love Summer! I love the longer days, swimming, fresh corn on the cob and tomatoes, watermelon, and the relaxed feeling of the season. Of course, there are things I definitely could do without. Mainly, the heat, humidity, and the bugs! Yes, I live in Texas and these three things go hand and hand during a Texas Summer. The heat and humidity have already gotten unbearable here in Texas. I am afraid to see what July and August bring! Each Summer when the heat is unbearable Josh will ask when we are moving to Colorado. We love being close to family (at least part of them) and will be sad to move if that day comes. I thought I would share some pics of two of the most adorable children ever (yes that would be Ethan and Eliana) enjoying Summer!

Another week is gone
The weeks seem to fly by but the days seem so long (at least some of them do). I can hardly believe my little girl is 42 weeks old (10 weeks away from being 1..do you know how fast 10 weeks go??) . She is as busy as ever and wants to walk so bad. She is pulling up on everything and has stood by herself for just a second a couple of times. I know I have mentioned this more than once but she is so different than Ethan at this age. I am sure personality differences attribute to part of this but I believe I am different as a mom this time around too. I am more laid back and am more willing to let Eliana learn for herself. I was so cautious with Ethan and there almost immediately when he started to cry. I wonder if most mothers are this way with their children. It would make sense. It will be interesting to see how this affects Eliana as she gets older.

Friday, June 12, 2009
My son
More than one person has commented about the personality difference between Ethan and Eliana. They are definitely different and Josh and I could tell this almost from the beginning. Eliana is our social one who seems to not be afraid of much of anything and Ethan is our shy, cautious one. He is not crazy about big groups and it takes awhile for him to warm up to people and to be his silly self. Ethan is such a sweet boy and has a kind, gentle heart. This I can already see and I pray it is a quality he will always have throughout his life. Recently, I have gotten some good pictures of Ethan and thought I would share.
At the park
Our trip to the spray park
While Desha and the kids were here we went to the spray park. We got there and there were kids everywhere! I suppose that is to be expected on the first weekend school is out! Ethan was a bit overwhelmed by all the kids and eventually headed over to the playground. Ethan loves parks. Everytime we pass one in the car he points and says, "This". That is what he says when he wants something (it does not matter what it is). The other three kids loved the spray park. Eliana would put her face in front of the water and let it spray her directly in the face. She was absolutely hilarious.
Desha with Eliana and Simon
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Desha came to visit!
My best friend and college roommate, Desha, and her two kids, Zoe (who is almost 4) and Simon (who is 16 mos. old) came to Texas for a visit this past week. Ethan, Zoe, and Simon shared a room together during their stay. We stayed busy the entire week getting together with college friends, going to Abilene to see our other best friend, swimming, going to the sprayground, etc. It was an exhausting week, but so worth every second. I hated to see the week end, but I am grateful for the time we had together. It was such a blessing to be able to spend this time with friends who know me better than almost anyone (except of course my husband). We laughed, reminisced about old times, and got to know each other's children. Here are just a few pictures from the week.
Hardin-Simmons just lets anybody get out of there with a degree

Christy and Desha being silly with all the kiddos
Christy and Ethan
Ethan and Zoe at one of the many parks we went to
Summer is here!
The pool at our apartment complex opened near the end of May and we took the kids. Ethan loved swimming last year and I was sure he would love it this year, but that was not the case. He got in but cried to get out almost immediately. He would not get back in but did sit on the steps after awhile. Eliana, on the other hand, loved the pool. It was her first time and she loved the water. She was content to sit in her floatie and loved it when Josh and I would throw her up in the air and then catch her. I am sure we will spend a lot of time in the pool this Summer. I hope Ethan will warm up to the idea of swimming after a few times. Here are some pictures from our day.
Congratulations Chass and Rene
At the beginning of May we headed down to Waco for the weekend to watch my stepsister, Chassati, get married. She and Rene were married on Saturday, May 2nd, in an outdoor wedding in Salado, Texas. The wedding was held on the grounds of a bed and breakfast there. It was an absolutely beautiful location. Some day I would like to go there with Josh. Chassati was a beautiful bride, as I knew she would be, and I wish Rene and her the best. Here are some pictures from the day. I wish I would have taken more. I did not even get one with my dad and the kids. Oh, well.
Chass and Rene
The weeks keep flying by!
I know I am WAY behind on posting Eliana's weekly pictures, but never fear I am going to catch you guys up. She is growing fast and looks more like a little girl at times than a baby. She is pulling up on everything and said her first word yesterday (dada!..Ethan's first word as well). She wants everything her brother has and would rather have what we are eating than baby food. She is such a joy and is our little daredevil. She likes to play this game with her daddy where she dives off the couch head first and he catches her. She will do this again and again. We have been to the pool and the splash park and she has no fear. Pictures to follow! She is now 9 months old and weighs 22lbs and is 30 inches long.
41 weeks old
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