Saturday, November 29, 2008

We have much to be thankful for...

Of course, there is the obvious: an amazing husband, two beautiful children, a wonderful extended family, and great friends. Then there are those things I take for granted: food, shelter, a running car, and good health. I am truly blessed and shamefully I do not always remember this. I often complain about what I do not have instead of what God has given me. This Thanksgiving I was reminded once again of the Lord's blessings.

We spent Thanksgiving day with my brother Blake, my sister-in-law Lindsey, and my nephew Russell and niece Sydney. We had a great day together. Russell and Sydney were enamored with Eliana. They kept saying she was their best friend. It was so cute. Ethan had a blast with his cousins. It is fun to see him play with them. Here are a few pictures from our day.

Our family

Mommy and Eliana
Ethan eating his Thanksgiving dinner (last year he had turkey out of a jar)

A picture of Josh and I with all the kids (not one of them looked at the camera ;-o!)


Eliana with her cousins Russell and Sydney

Russell and Eliana
Ethan having a blast swinging in the big boy swing

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I think I can I think I can...

We brought out the Bumbo (a special seat that helps babies sit up for those who are saying, "a what o") for Eliana the other day and Ethan decided if Eliana can sit in it then so can I. Well, Ethan is way to big for the Bumbo but that did not stop him. He tried a million ways to get in it to no avail. It was quite funny. I snapped some pictures of his endeavor! He has tried to sit in it since but gave up more quickly. I bet it drives him crazy that Eliana can fit in it so perfectly.

Eliana so cute in the Bumbo
Ethan's many attempts to sit in the Bumbo too!

Another week gone by...

Gosh weeks seem to go by fast in the Munkeby house. Eliana is now 11 weeks old and already has such a great personality. She loves her Mommy and will follow the sound of her voice when Mommy enters the room. Mommy and Daddy both get lots of smiles and laughs from their precious daughter. Ethan is not left out and he too gets lots of smiles. Every so often I will see Ethan playing with Eliana and Eliana is just smiling away. It is a tiny glimpse of what is to come in the next few months as she interacts with Ethan even more and it warms my heart. I have a feeling they are going to be the best of friends! Here are some pics of our happy baby at 11 weeks.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My how fast they grow...

Ethan turned 20 months old on the 15th...20 months old - only four months away from 2 years old!!! Can Ethan really be about to turn two years old? I can already picture him getting ready for that first day of Kindergarten! Boy am I going to be a mess! Until that time I am going to treasure the day to day moments where he delights in seeing a plane over head and points to the sky, how he is mesmerized by water and says ta ta (for water), the way he says please in sign language by just pointing to his chest, how he runs out the door as soon as it is open as to say "YAY Freedom!", the way he leans his head on my shoulder while I read him a story, how he runs to the door to greet his daddy, and a million other little things that are simply Ethan! He is such a joy, even on the days where he will not listen and tests every bit of patience I possess ;-)! I love him so much and am proud to be his mom!

Here are some cute pictures of Ethan at 20 months.

Cheesing in his cute blue jean jacket

Having a blast at the park

Playing in the leaves

Mom, do I really have to wear the hat?
Just a cute picture!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ten Weeks Old

While I was pregnant and waiting for Eliana to arrive time just seemed to creep by and it could not go fast enough. Now time just seems to go at super sonic speed. I can hardly believe Eliana is already ten weeks old. She is growing and changing so fast. She is super talkative..always cooing and smiling at us. She looks a lot like Ethan did at this age. I was looking at a picture of Ethan the other day where he was about the same age and it could pass for a picture of Eliana. I have a feeling she will not have Ethan's bright blond hair, as it is darker than Ethan's ever was. I do hope she keeps the blue eyes.

Here are some pictures of my sweetheart at ten weeks!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It is official

my daughter has the cutest smile ever! Eliana has become quite the smiley baby. It is hard to not want to take pictures all day long. She has this huge grin which takes up her entire face. She also has dimples like her big brother which are absolutely adorable. She is nine weeks old now. Wow does time fly!! She is sleeping MUCH better at night and only waking up once or twice a night. Mommy is loving being able to sleep more at night. It is crazy because now that she is sleeping more at night I feel more tired. I think my body is finally beginning to relax and the lack of sleep is catching up with me. Eliana is growing like a weed and at her two month appointment weighed 12 lbs 4 oz and was 24 inches long.

I am enjoying being a mom of two although when both of them are crying I feel like pulling my hair out ;-0! The hardest time is the evening when both of them are a little cranky and both want my attention. God is truly teaching me patience during these times!! Overall, I have two very laid back children and I feel so blessed to be a mom!

Here are some pictures of my adorable daughter with her adorable smile at nine weeks old!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Eliana's first road trip

This past weekend we took the kids to Waco to see the family. Eliana had quite a number of family members to meet. We had a great time and Eliana got to meet her Aunt Lindsey and Uncle Blake and her cousins Russell and Sydney. Russell and Sydney were quite enamored with their new cousin and were oh so sweet with her. Lindsey and I thought it would be a neat idea to take all the kids to get a picture with all of the cousins. Lindsey found matching shirts for Ethan and Russell and the same color dress for Eliana and Sydney. They were absolutely adorable. Ethan was not crazy about having his picture made and therefore cried from the moment the lady tried to set the kids up for the picture. Poor Russell and Sydney patiently waited while Josh and I tried to calm down our kids. We ended up picking out the best picture of the group which is where Ethan has a little smile, is looking away, and red blotches from crying, and Sydney is looking away but hey we took what we could get. I told Josh the lady who took our pictures was probably talking about us after we left but oh well! It made for a memorable experience.

Eliana also got to meet her great Aunt Elaine and her great grandmother for the first time and got some adorable new outfits from Aunt Elaine. We also had a chance to spend some time with Aunt Chass which was neat because it had been awhile since we have seen her. The kids also got to spend lots of time with Papaw and Dadoo. Ethan loves Papaw and Dadoo and had a blast. He went nonstop from the time we got there. It is special to me to see Ethan and Eliana with my Dad and Donna. I love to see how they love my kids and how Ethan loves them. It warms my heart because I know no one can love my kids like I do but I know no one loves them like family does.

Papaw and Ethan

Ethan and Marty mooching food from Mary

Aunt Lindsey and Eliana

Eliana smiling at Dadoo

Josh with Sydney and Ethan

Sydney and Russell holding Eliana

The girls

Papaw and Eliana