Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Four weeks old
Today our sweet little girl is four weeks old! She is two days away from being a month old! Where does the time go? Days seem to creep by at times but then before I know it she is another week old. Once again I am reminded I need to treasure these precious times because before I know it they will be over. Eliana is sleeping better at night but is still up a few times each night. Her big brother Ethan is doing much better around her and has even began giving good night kisses and trying to tickle her. I know in a few weeks when she starts to interact with us more that he is going to love making her laugh. She is growing like a weed as you can see from the pictures below.

Grandma's Visit
Josh's mom came to visit this past weekend. This was her first time seeing Eliana and she has not seen Ethan since Jamie's wedding. Ethan had a blast with Grandma. Grandma bought him his first Dallas Cowboys outfit. This is a HUGE deal as Grandma is a Denver Broncos fan through and through!! Ethan also got some new shoes and some cool new books. We spent one day at the mall where Grandma pushed Ethan in a cool car stroller and had his first Happy Meal. We would not let him have French Fries though!
Grandma also spoiled us while she was down and watched Eliana one night late at night/early a.m. while Josh and I got some extra sleep. It was such a blessing as I have not had more than a few hours of sleep at one time in the past three and half weeks. Josh's birthday was on Sunday so it was great that his mom was here to help him celebrate.
Here are some pictures of our weekend.
Grandma also spoiled us while she was down and watched Eliana one night late at night/early a.m. while Josh and I got some extra sleep. It was such a blessing as I have not had more than a few hours of sleep at one time in the past three and half weeks. Josh's birthday was on Sunday so it was great that his mom was here to help him celebrate.
Here are some pictures of our weekend.
Grandma and Eliana
Friday, September 26, 2008
Call me crazy...
My friend Christy and I have decided to train for a half marathon. I have wanted to run either and half marathon or marathon for a few years now. Christy and I got to talking and decided maybe if we train together (in different places) and sign up to run the race together that we might be more likely to complete the half marathon. We both have not run in over a year and we both admit we have some weight to lose in order to run a half marathon. It will not be easy but it is exciting neverthless. We have created a blog where you can follow us on our journey: http://www.crazyrunningfriends.blogspot.com.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Three weeks old already!
Today Eliana is three weeks old! It is hard to believe she is almost a month old. She went to the doctor yesterday and my how she has grown! She weighs 9 lbs and is 22 1/2 inches long. She still has her days and nights mixed up so we in the Munkeby household are quite tired these days. Ethan is slowly warming up to her but still looks at her like she has grown two heads when she starts to cry. Josh has made it a point to watch Eliana while Ethan and I go out to have Mother/Son time. It has been good for both Ethan and me.
People have asked if the transition from one to two has been difficult. The answer is both yes and no. I believe the transition from zero to one was more difficult. This time around we know what to expect and feel more confident in our role as parents. Of course, the long nights are harder when you can't sleep when the baby is sleeping because you have a toddler in the house.
Here is Eliana at 3 weeks old:

People have asked if the transition from one to two has been difficult. The answer is both yes and no. I believe the transition from zero to one was more difficult. This time around we know what to expect and feel more confident in our role as parents. Of course, the long nights are harder when you can't sleep when the baby is sleeping because you have a toddler in the house.
Here is Eliana at 3 weeks old:
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
My two precious children
Yesterday my little boy turned 18 months old! 18 months old..that is only 6 months away from being 2 years old!! My little boy can't be that old...can he? He is showing his age on a daily basis and seems to have grown leaps and bounds in the past few weeks. Of course, when there is a newborn in your house a 18 month old seems huge! Ethan is learning how to adjust to Eliana being in the house and is actually doing really great. He still loves the outdoors, music, and has a new love for books. He turns anything into a phone and goes around the house talking on his "phone". He is saying new words all the time and the other day he said Pa-paw for the first time, which made my dad's day. I took some pictures today on our walk. Dressed in his jeans, big boy shirt, and cute shoes he completely looked like a 18 month old.
What Mom?
Who needs toys??
Ethan at his new big boy table. Thanks Grandma!

My pretty baby girl
Chillin in her swing
Hey Mom!
Look how big I'm getting!

So Big!
Today my adorable baby girl turned two weeks old! She is eating well and still sleeping lots, except at night ;-0! She has the cutest little faces and I can already tell she is going to have a GREAT smile. She eats quite a bit especially at night and Josh and I wonder where she is putting it all. After eating she gets this relaxed look on her face and gets this big grin like life could not get any better. It is funny. Her two week appointment is next Monday so we will see how much she has grown.
My pretty baby girl
I am feeling good these days. My recovery has gone so much quicker this time around. I feel extremely blessed to have such two wonderful, beautiful children and such an amazing husband. He has been so great helping out these past couple of weeks. He has made the adjustment period so much easier.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Ethan eating yogurt
Just wanted to share this video and some pictures from Ethan eating yogurt with a spoon the other day all by himself! He was such a mess, but had a blast. As you can tell we still have some work to do with using a spoon, but we're getting there!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I'm happy to say I am one of those people...
I remember my first year to attend my college Homecoming at Hardin-Simmons University. I was doing inner-city ministry in Chicago and I was extremely prideful about that fact. When I asked other people what they were doing 3 out of 5 people would say I'm married, I live in the Metroplex, and I have 1 or 2 children. I secretly thought I was making more of myself and told myself I would never be one of THOSE people. (I was young and naive..what can I say?) Well, I am happy to report that I am married, live in the Metroplex, have two children, and drive a SUV. Does this mean I have settled and became one of those people I vowed I would not become? No, it does not. It means I have grown and changed and am blessed beyond measure. I am happy with were Josh and I are at this time in our life and I would not change it for anything. I look at my two children and I get teary eyed just thinking about how much the Lord has blessed us.
My sweet daughter is a week old today. It has been an adjustment for my sweet little boy but he is already becoming accustomed to her in his life and as a friend once said he will never remember life without her. I think that is pretty amazing. Eliana is doing great. She is eating well and sleeping well. We went to the doctor yesterday and after six days she is already back up to her birth weight. Last night she had an superb night and only woke up to eat and then promptly went back to sleep to wake up again to eat. I know not every night will be this way but I will be thankful for the ones that are like this one!
We are settling into a comfortable routine and are tired but it is definitely a manageable tired! Eliana sleeps a lot during the day so I spend lots of time looking at her and marveling once again at how amazing is the gift of life. She seems so tiny compared to Ethan and all of a sudden Ethan seems so grown up. Time does pass by so fast and I plan to enjoy every second of this time in my kids' lives.
Here are some pictures of Eliana's first week!
Big Brother Ethan pushing his little sis in the swing
Proud daddy with his two kiddos
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
She is finally here!
Introducing the newest member of the Munkeby family..Eliana Michal Munkeby! Eliana joined our family on Sept. 2nd at 1:16p.m. weighing 7 lbs. 7 oz and measuring 19 1/4 inches long. Eliana has adorable little features and dark brownish/reddish hair. She has long fingers and toes and has already captured our hearts. Ethan met his little sister yesterday and is intrigued by her but a bit leery at the same time. He wanted to touch Eliana but only from a safe distance. I am so glad he has been able to stay with Aunt Jamie during this time and that he has really taken to her. Jamie has definitely been a blessing to us! Eliana and I are both doing great. The pain from my c-section does not seem as bad this time around even though it is still painful. I am praying for a quick recovery.
Thank you all for your prayers. Here are some pictures. I will download more very soon.
Happy parents with baby Eliana
Eliana Michal
Monday, September 1, 2008
Birthday and waiting...
Yesterday was my 31st birthday! It goes down hill from here folks..jk! I had a great birthday. My sister-in-law Jamie is here helping us get ready for baby Eliana and kept Ethan while my husband and I went out for a date. We had a nice dinner at a Mexican restaurant we had never tried before and it was yummy! The spicy food and walking did nt convince Eliana to join us yesterday. She is hanging on to the last second. No matter what she will be here tomorrow morning, which is hard to believe. I have been emotional wreck today for some reason. I was so hoping Eliana would come on her own, but it does not look like that will happen. I know many women do not get the experience of going through labor but it was something I really desired. I am sure many women think I am crazy for wanting to go through the pain of labor but I truly do! I am confident that once she comes tomorrow it will not matter and I will have a precious baby. I have been blessed beyond measure this past year and I look forward to this coming year. Thank you for your prayers. I will be posting pictures soon of the newest Munkeby!
Me with my favorite little boy!!
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